Daily Reps

Functional Fitness for the Tactical Athlete.
Train Like an Athlete; Train for a Purpose.
Upper Body Warmups:
Bend & Reach x 5 Reps
Around the World x 5 Reps
Glute Bridge (hold for 2 seconds) x 5 Reps
Front Bridge (hold for 2 seconds) x 5 Reps
Lateral Bridge (hold for 2 seconds each side) x 5 Reps
Arm Wall Slides x 5 Reps
Plank with Arm Lift x 5 Reps Each
Pushups + Pushup Rotations x 10 PU's + 5 Rotations Each Side
Hand Walkouts & Back (Start from Standing) x 5 Reps
Glute Kicks x 40 Yards
High Knees x 40 Yards
Carioca x 40 Yards
Shuttle Run x 20 Yards Out & Back twice
Lower Body Warmups:
Bend & Reach x 5 Reps
Windmill x 5 Reps
Glute Bridge (hold for 2 seconds) x 5 Reps
Front Bridge (hold for 2 seconds) x 5 Reps
Lateral Bridge (hold for 2 seconds each side) x 5 Reps
Leg Cradle x 5 Reps Each
Bodyweight Squats x 5 Reps
Squat Jumps x 5 Reps
Drop Lunge x 5 Reps
Forward Lunge, Elbow to Instep w/ Rotation x 5 Reps
Side Step Lunge x 5 Reps
Glute Kicks x 40 Yards
High Knees x 40 Yards
Carioca x 40 Yards
Shuttle Run x 20 Yards Out & Back Twice
Daily Work for Dec 27th - Jan 2nd
We are now in week 3 of three where we will be focusing on pure speed and power before moving back into a strength cycle. The weight might feel light but move it hard and fast. This primarily relates to the Intermediate / Advanced Lifts listed here.
Not where you want to focus? Check out our Tactical Athlete Program options here!
Sunday Dec 27th
Get outside and go for a 30 minute Jog
If you have a Flak or Body Armor, you can wear it here.
If you have a Sandbag (Brute Force or one from Home Depot), "Burden Carry" for 1-2 Miles. Rotate between cradling it and shouldering it (both shoulders).
Monday Dec 28th
Beginner 1: Bench Press 4-5 Sets x 3-5 Reps @ 75-80% 1RM
Beginner 2: Military Press 8 Sets x 3 Reps @ 65-75% 1RM (Explosive. Only 30 Sec Break Between Sets)
Intermediate / Advanced: Bench Press 3-5 Sets x AMRAP in 7 Seconds @ 35-45% 1RM (Move fast and powerfully.)
Superset The Following:
1) Push Ups + Dumbbell Row 3-4 Sets x 20 Reps (Do a push up and then row each arm)
2) Pull Ups 3-4 Sets x 10-15 AMRAP (Grasping a towel or rope draped over the bar)
3) Bicycle Crunches 3-4 Sets x 20-30 Reps
5 Rounds of the Following:
Heavy Bag Work x 1 Minute
Jump Rope x 1 Minute
The transition is your rest. Keep moving.
Tuesday Dec 29th
Beginner 1: Deadlifts 3-5 Sets x 1-3 Reps @ 85-90% 1RM
Beginner 2: Squats 8 Sets x 2 Reps @ 65-75% 1RM (Explosive. Only 30 Sec Rest Between Sets)
Intermediate / Advanced: Deadlifts 3-5 Sets x AMRAP in 5 Seconds @ 45-55% 1RM (Fast and Explosive. You can use light bands across bar if you have them.)
Superset the Following:
1) Kettlebell Swings 3-4 Sets x 25 Reps
2) Box Jumps 3-4 Sets x 10 Reps
3) Ball Slams 3-4 Sets x 20 Reps
Row 5 Sets x 100 Meters / Recover 1 Minute
Wednesday Dec 30th
Do some yoga or go for a long, slow, distance run.
Thursday Dec 31st
Beginner 1: Military Press 3-5 Sets x 1-3 Reps @ 85-90% 1RM
Beginner 2: Bench Press 8 Sets x 3 Reps @ 65-75% 1RM
Intermediate / Advanced: Military Press 3-5 Sets x AMRAP in 5 Seconds @ 45-55% 1RM (Fast and Explosive)
Superset the Following:
1) Wall Balls 3-4 Sets x 12 Reps @ 10ft Target
2) Power Cleans 3-4 Sets x 10 Reps
3) Mountain Climbers 3-4 Sets x 1 Minute
Sprint 5 Sets x 10 Sec / Brisk Walk or Jog 1 Min During Recovery
Friday Jan 1st
Beginner 1: Squats 4-5 Sets x 3-5 Reps @ 75-80% 1RM
Beginner 2: Power Cleans 6 Sets x 3 Reps @ 70-80% 1RM
Intermediate / Advanced: Squats 3-4 Sets x AMRAP in 7 Seconds @ 35-45% 1RM (Explosive Through The Full Rep Range.)
Superset The Following:
1) Romanian Deadlifts 3-4 Sets x 10 Reps (Medium Weight)
2) Zercher Squats 3-4 Sets x 15 Reps (Medium Weight)
3) AbMat Sit Ups 3-4 Sets x 20 Reps
Light Jog or Swim x 30 Minutes
Saturday Jan 2nd
Choose an option based on how your body feels
Work Capacity Option 1:
4 Rounds of the Following
Push Ups x 25 Reps
Bodyweight Squats x 25 Reps
Ring Rows x 25 Reps
Walking Lunges x 26 Steps total
No Rest. Just keep grinding.
Work Capacity Option 2:
Complete 100 Reps of the Following
Sandbag or Barbell Man-Makers
Push Up + Deadlift + Clean + Press + Back Squat
This is just a grind. Rest as needed.