Charitable Giving

Sheepdog Strong is committed to serving our active duty service members, veterans and first responders. We are therefore a proud supporter and ambassador to the Daniel Ferguson Memorial Foundation.
Sheepdog Strong is dedicating 10% of the gross profit from each sale as a donation to the Daniel Ferguson Memorial Foundation.
The Daniel Ferguson Memorial Foundation, or "Daniel's Challenge" is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization established in 2020 that seeks to bring camaraderie and strength of mind & body to the veteran and first responder community through private, group-based workouts. The foundation was created in memorial to an 82nd Airborne Veteran, Daniel Ferguson, who lost the battle with himself by taking his own life. To fight this epidemic of suicide among our veterans and first responders, the foundation creates new bonds, identity and brotherhood through physical fitness. The organization additionally plans several competitions and events throughout the Southern California region.
To learn more, donate, or join a local "crew," click here.